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Crude oil Assay

The crude oil data contained in this handbook and the database on various types of crude recorded by 1999, have been prepared on the basis of variety of crude oil samples and information gathered from various sources, including national and private oil companies...

NAFTA Procesi i Proizvodi

Cijena nafte, njezina proizvodnja i potrošnja izravno utječu na ekonomiku nacionalnog i svjetskog gospodarstva. Ona predstavlja nezaobilazan čimbenik u suvremenoj ekonomiji i pokretanju gospodarskog rasta o kojemu ovisi razvoj ljudskog društva. Jedno je sigurno i nedvojbeno, nafta je promijenila način života i razmišljanja ljudi u XX. stoljeću.

Crude Oil,Processes and Products

Lack of professional literature in the field of crude oil processing inspired me to write this book. The book is primarily intended for the experts who work in petroleum industry, engineering companies that work on projects, oil industry and oil processing students, businessman who are in various ways involved in this field, as well as the others.